Aviation MRO

Typical challenges

  • Availability of aircraft (assets): Minimization of downtimes, efficient planning and coordination internally as well as effective communication and control in the supply chain with maximum parts availability and low capital commitment
  • Expert staff: Mitigating the shortage of staff through automation and process improvements; in addition, increased training, educational opportunities, partnerships, effective knowledge management and HR processes must be addressed
  • Turnaround time (TAT) and efficiency: maximizing operational efficiency (time on aircraft) as a success factor, optimizing maintenance intervals and schedules and generally shortening turnaround times and thus competitive prices and costs

Possible fields for consulting

Line/ Base Maintenance

  • Through process optimization, efficient use of resources and improved interface coordination, throughput time (TAT) is reduced and costs are lowered, while aircraft availability is increased through the introduction of performance management and CIP, empowerment of managers and shopfloor employees.


Component maintenance/Engines

  • Improved coordination of interfaces, the expansion of capability and production capacities with the application of factory planning, the introduction of shopfloor management and targeted lean MRO coaching reduce the throughput time (TAT), while the optimization or outsourcing of process steps increases the operating result.


CAMO/ Engineering

  • An increase in aircraft availability, a reduction in maintenance-related costs and improved communication at the interfaces between CAMO, maintenance and flight operations are achieved by adapting and efficiently using the maintenance plans.



  • Demand-oriented inventory management and a lean supply chain design, combined with a review of contract structures, make it possible to reduce material costs and ensure and increase the availability of spare parts and materials through optimized planning.


Aircraft recycling and USM market

  • Through targeted, strategic exploitation of surplus markets, optimization of receivables management and implementation of sustainable resource utilization, significant cost savings and trading profits can be achieved through scalable business while at the same time ensuring stable material availability.

